My purpose in creating this e-publication was to provide something for others that I myself was desperately seeking when I first encountered the topic of Christian complementarianism: more information and insight.
When you’re only taught one perspective your whole life, you take it as the truth. But when I started to ask questions about this so-called truth, I found that the teaching and theology behind it broke down. The reality is, there is a wealth of teachings and other perspectives out there, especially about this topic.
Once I started digging deeper and examining other research and scholarship, as well as the historical-social context behind Scripture, it became clear: Complementarianism is Christian patriarchy rebranded. It isn’t biblical; it’s a cultural factor.
This document provides an overview of what Christian complementarianism and egalitarianism is, and it offers insight into the theological differences and impacts of the two perspectives.
Women have always preached and taught God’s word because God has always called them to do so.
So, if you’re questioning why some churches prohibit women from preaching or leading, I wrote this for you. If you’re feeling lonely and hurt because you’ve encountered harmful gender and power hierarchies in your church, maybe for the first time, I wrote this for you. If you’re in the process of deconstructing (and reconstructing) your faith, I wrote this for you. And if you’re simply looking for more information, you can start here.
Click here for the link to the e-publication version of my Master’s thesis online. Best viewed on a laptop/desktop (it’s still readable on mobile just smaller and not ideal). Feel free to leave a comment below if you’d like to share your thoughts. Hope you enjoy.